
Showing posts from July, 2009

Odd Findings

It is very odd, the places you find yourself on a day to day basis in the Philippines. One day you might find yourself teaching the unruly bunch of kindergarten students, the next, you could be speaking in front of a crowd of 750. Furthermore, in continuing the pattern of seemingly (not) random activities we've participated in; we rode in a motorcade/parade through the city. Never really anticipated doing that, but its National Nutrition Month here and we are participating in a 'Values and Ethics Formation Program' here. (AKA: VBS). It odd experience riding through the city with Mr. and Mrs. Nutrition. Another day in the Philippines I guess. -jr

(Not) Live Blogging from the Philippines

Hey folks. Just writing to let you all know that I am indeed alive and in the Philippines. Its been only a few days and I feel like I've seen and experienced too much to express in this confined space. I have spoken 2 messages so far and am going to be speakin again tonight. Please pray for me. I had forgotten about some of the beauty of the Philippines. A typhoon, well THREE typhoons began to roll in last night, and as we drove back to the Shelter, lightning streaked across the sky. Lightning here fills the sky and comes without the thunder. Quiet and powerful on a hot and humid evening. 12 people packed into a van intended for 9. Warm and humid. Wind and rain. Lightning and (no) thunder. Another day in the Philippines.