Celebrity Daze

I am currently star struck. I don’t know when the last time was that I felt this way. I just saw two celebrities…in the flesh…and they interacted with me…answered my question…nay even signed my book. Honestly, I haven’t been at such a loss for words in sometime. I just met Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins of PENNY ARCADE. Yeah. I know. Freaking awesome.

That’s my assertion at least anyways. Don’t assume though that it was a raucous party. Because, well it was in a Barnes and Noble, and it was really just a book signing for their latest book. But still. Given their fame I’m surprised there weren’t more than the hundreds already there (ok there were maybe 100+ people there). They took questions from the gathered audience for an hour. I asked a question!

They answered all sorts of questions. Mostly all heavy hitters: favorite game of all time, direction of the gaming industry, favorite novels of all time, who their romantic interests were in certain RPG’s, how they deal with games and their children. More honestly it was a lot of ridiculous questions, ridiculous answers, and laughing at their responses. I think having gone through this experience, I’ve realized that I’m a bigger fan of theirs than I realized. I listen to their podcasts, read their web comic, read their news articles, browse their forums, watch their online tv show, and buy their books. OK…it seems that I’m a fan.

Speaking of fans, there were many there, and there are interesting social observations to make of geeks. We are all incredibly socially awkward. You may know that from hanging around me. Just imagine that times 100. It's awesome. I awkwardly talked about Mass Effect 2 with the person next to me as the line slowly moved towards Gabe and Tycho.

And as I stepped forward, book clenched tightly in hand, I froze up and every intelligent thing I had on my mind to saw went away. Gabe/Mike looked up at me and gruffly asked, "How are you doin'?"

"Ah..um..fine! Thanks for...what...you do! I really enjoy your work!" I said.

"Thank you!"

I slide over to Tycho/Jerry. "Thank you very much." I say.

Then I walked away to the escalator, book clutched to my chest, a slight skip in my step, and goofy smile on my face. I have just been in the presence of geek gods.


Saechang said…
You sir are a huge geek. haha. It sounded awesome though, wish I could have gone! AHH!

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